Words by Jenny Lynn Davis
City of Lights Dream Center will be hosting the Run with Perseverance 5K race on Saturday, April 29. This event aims to raise funds for the Men’s Residential Recovery program, which was launched in December 2022.
A Dora, Alabama-based intensive inpatient rehabilitation program, City of Lights focuses on helping men and women who suffer from chronic substance abuse. With the Men’s Residential Recovery program, the organization is now able to provide housing for men who are seeking help. However, there is still a need for more facilities, as the demand for this type of program continues to increase within the community.
“We only have the capability to house around 6 to 8 men, but that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface,” said City of Lights Men’s Program Director Jonathan Dodd. “We receive calls daily from people looking to place someone in a men’s residential program, and it’s tough having to turn people away. If we had a better, more well-equipped facility, that would be terrific.”
To help meet this demand, the funds raised for the 5K will be used to build out more rooms, acquire furniture, and purchase essential supplies to house men in need of the program’s services.

Executive Director Jamie Massey noted that the organization is still in need of sponsors for the event. Interested businesses, organizations, and individuals can support the cause by having their names placed on race signage and t-shirts, or by private donation.
“We invite everyone to join us for this event,” said Massey. “Whether you’re an avid runner or just want to walk the course with your friends and family, please join us. We would love to have you help us support this important cause.”
The Run with Perseverance 5K begins at 8:00 a.m. on April 29 and will start and end at the City of Lights Dream Center headquarters at (formerly T.S. Boyd School), with the route following the Horse Creek trail in Dora.
Registration fee is $25 per person and participants can sign up by visiting runsignup.com/Race/AL/Dora/TheCityofLIghtsRunwithPerseverance5K or calling 205-255-6688. WL
Those interested in sponsoring the event are asked to reach out by phone at 205-255-6688 or by email at jamie@cityoflightsala.com.