Bevill State Receives Grant Funds from Gene Hass Foundation

Bevill State Community College is excited to announce a contribution of $37,500 for scholarships and student competition from the Gene Haas Foundation.

Words Special to The Walker Leader | Image by Al Blanton

Bevill State Community College is excited to announce a contribution of $37,500 for scholarships and student competition from the Gene Haas Foundation. The Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship will be awarded to students interested in the Machine Tool Technology program on the Jasper and Hamilton campuses of Bevill State. A portion of the grant funds may be used towards sponsorship of a competition, such as SkillsUSA, highlighting the Machine Tool programs.
“Bevill State is appreciative to the Gene Haas Foundation for their continued support of our Machine Tool programs. This organization’s funding will serve to help meet the current manufacturing workforce demands in Alabama. The Gene Haas Foundation recognizes the value of recruiting more people to pursue manufacturing careers. They also understand that creating state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing training programs is needed to ensure that graduating students have the necessary skills when entering the workforce,” stated Dr. Joel Hagood, President of Bevill State Community College.
One of the primary goals of the Gene Haas Foundation is to provide financial assistance for students interested in manufacturing-based careers. Scholarship programs are available through career centers, technical schools, community colleges, and universities. Foundation funding goes directly to those training programs to attract prospective students. By providing scholarship grants, sponsoring individual and team CNC competitions, and partnering with the very best CNC training programs in the world, the Foundation helps expand the availability of high-quality manufacturing technology training worldwide.
Haas Automation, Inc., founded by Gene Haas in 1983, is America’s largest CNC machine tool builder and one of the world’s largest builders with over 170 Haas Factory Outlets in more than 60 countries. For more information about the Gene Haas Foundation visit WL

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