Words by Jenny Lynn Davis | Images by Justin Hunter
The Kiwanis Club of Jasper held its annual Track and Field Day on Tuesday, October 1, bringing together students from across Walker County and Jasper City schools for a day of fun and athletic competition.
Since 1923, the club has focused on serving the local community, particularly its children.
Track and Field Day gives local students with intellectual disabilities the chance to participate in athletic activities, helping them build physical fitness and enjoy the camaraderie of friends, family, teachers, and the broader community.

Participating schools included Carbon Hill Elementary/Junior High, Carbon Hill High School, Cordova Elementary, Dora High School, Lupton Junior High, Oakman Elementary, Oakman Middle, Oakman High School, Sumiton Elementary, Sumiton Middle, WCCT Pre-K, Valley Junior High, TR Simmons Elementary, Memorial Park Elementary, Maddox Intermediate, and Jasper High School.
“Track and Field Day is an opportunity for us to celebrate these kids who often don’t get that special recognition,” said Pauletta Windham, a member of the Kiwanis Club of Jasper. “For many of us, this event is also near and dear because we have special needs individuals in our own families.”

n addition to Track and Field Day, the Kiwanis Club is involved in various community service projects, most of which are focused on helping local youth.
“We’re a small but mighty service organization,” said Billy Doss, another club member. “Whether it’s working at schools or building playgrounds, Kiwanis is geared toward helping all children in our community.”
Windham and Doss also expressed a desire for local students to join service-based clubs within their schools, noting the importance of giving back and staying connected to the community at all ages. WL