Annual event celebrates community collaboration and success in Jasper City Schools
Words by Jenny Lynn Davis | Images by Justin Hunter
On March 8, Maddox Intermediate School held its annual community luncheon, an event designed to express gratitude to community leaders who support Jasper City Schools and highlight the importance of collaboration between schools and the broader community in creating a better future for students.
The luncheon was attended by representatives from many local organizations including the City of Jasper, Jasper Police Department, Boys and Girls Club, Alabama Power, Southeast Hospice, Phi Beta Sigma, and the Walker Area Community Foundation.

Attendees were treated to a catered meal and had the opportunity to network and connect with one another. They also enjoyed a performance from the Maddox Choir.
“This yearly community luncheon means a great deal to us, as we believe that we are supposed to impact the community and being recognized for the things we do is rewarding,” said Gary Bryant Jr., President of the Pi Upsilon Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., an organization that has been involved with Maddox for a number of years to serve as male role models for students.

Mitzi Jones, who serves as the new Community Relations Manager at Alabama Power believes it is precisely events such as these that bring the community together and get leaders working toward the same goals. “Partnership and relationship building that comes through events like this are exactly what I need as someone new to the community so I can better understand the needs of the community and the schools and how I can help meet them,” Mitzi said.
Maddox Intermediate Principal Marc Sargent said the purpose of the luncheon was not to ask for anything, but simply to give thanks. WL